Our Mission

The mission of the Ciresi Walburn Foundation is to serve as a catalyst for creative, innovative, and societal-changing programs and policies to promote education and equitable opportunities for all of Minnesota’s children and youth.

Once thought of as a leader in education, Minnesota now has some of the worst graduation rates and test scores in the nation for children of color. In addition to the individual tragedies these numbers reflect, our state will face an existential threat to its economic and social viability if we do not correct these inequities.

We need to work together—individuals, schools, churches, foundations, corporations, and government—toward new solutions to transform our schools.


Dedicated to powerful partnerships.

We partner with emerging and established nonprofits and educators to add momentum to smart, effective solutions that make an impact on children’s lives.


Finding and supporting solutions.

Our giving includes the support of education and community-based initiatives, high-performing schools, and proven/promising social programs.

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